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Dr. Cook's Garden
by Ira Levin
Directed by Roger Kovach
Picture a small community in 1966 Vermont peopled with fine, wholesome folk. Good people thrive here, The only doctor in the community is the beloved Dr. Cook, who makes house calls at any hour and is as proud of his community as he is of his prized garden. Then Jim Tennyson returns from Chicago where he has completed his internship and is now a licensed doctor. He has known and loved Doc since Doc healed his broken arm when Jim was a boy. Soon Jim discovers something about the town that is disturbing, maybe even horrifying!
March 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23
Fridays and Saturdays at 7pm, Sundays at 3pm
Featuring: Sheryl Jordan, George Nelson, George Runkle, Samuel Wallace, and Carolyn West.
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